Tag Archives: hearing loss
The Impact of Ear Conditions on Speech and Language Development

Ear health plays a crucial role in a child’s ability to effectively develop speech and language skills. The ears are not just organs for hearing; they are gateways through which children absorb the sounds of their environment, laying the foundation for learning language and communication. Hearing problems or other ear-related conditions can hinder this vital Continue Reading »
Top Causes of Non-Congenital Hearing Loss in Children

Non-congenital hearing loss in children can be caused by external factors, illness, or trauma. This type of hearing loss is not genetic and occurs after birth, which is why it’s commonly referred to as acquired hearing loss. There are a variety of methods to treat acquired hearing loss, including a few surgical procedures that provide Continue Reading »
How to Test for Hearing Loss in Children

Do you feel like you are constantly repeating yourself to your child or having to speak loudly to get their attention? In many cases, kids are being kids and using selective hearing with their parents, but hearing loss can also be a concern. Hearing loss is a condition in which the ears no longer work Continue Reading »
How to Prepare Your Child for Cochlear Implants

An upcoming surgery can cause anxiety in patients of all ages. Cochlear implant surgery can be life-changing for a child with hearing loss, but preparing them mentally and physically for the procedure will make all the difference in their comfort level as the day approaches. Parents also approach surgery for their child with a great Continue Reading »